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make up your soul <3

How to Create the Future while Respecting the Existing

Ancorotti Cosmetics
on October 19, 2023

Thanks to the acquisition of a former Olivetti typewriter factory, we were able to expand our facilities without consuming additional land, giving new life to an industrial site that would have otherwise faced irreversible decline. Our commitment to local heritage inspired us to open an exhibition space dedicated to typewriters within our facility. Launched in June 2022, this initiative is the result of a successful public-private partnership involving the Rotary Club Crema, the Municipality of Crema, and the Civic Museum of Crema and Cremasco. The exhibition features eleven models of Everest and Olivetti typewriters, ranging all the way from the iconic M40 first series from the 1930s to the stylish Valentine, and includes historic gems such as the limited edition of the classic Lettera 35 produced for the 1990 FIFA World Cup. Visitors can admire the collection upon request.